My Brother, My Brother and Me Wiki

"It Helps to Have a Cube" was originally released on June 1, 2021.


Stop everything, we’ve found this year’s one true summer anthem, from one Charles Entertainment Cheese. It bops. It slaps. It rips. It trips. It has us questioning our very existence.

Suggested Talking Points

Catch Old, Wisdom of the Crowd, Ruminating about Revenants, Munch Squad Trap Edition, Chex Mix Circle

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01:10 - Intro - The brothers get to know each other with icebreakers.

11:40 - Email - My boss has been stressed lately, and to lighten the tension during lulls in meetings, I've started asking silly icebreaker questions. I cope with anxiety by using humor, so I didn't consider the consequences. Along the way, my boss has dubbed me "the funny person," which is not something I'm known for anywhere else. As a result, during meeting low points, she'll say, "Got anything for us?" Brothers, how do I quickly shed this "tell a joke" persona that's been assigned to me without having to directly address the issue? -- Persona Problems in the Pacific Northwest

18:10 - Y - Sent in by Emily, from an unknown wikiHow user, who asks:

How to Hide from a Murderer

25:35 - MZ - Sponsored by DoorDash, StitchFix. Advertisement for Triple Click.

29:50 - Munch Squad -

47:45 - Email - You always see in movies and stuff that putting a ring of salt in the ground is supposed to protect you from ghosts. But how high up off the ground can you get before the protection is no longer effective? If I put a big ring of salt down and then fly up in a helicopter, are the ghosts gonna get me or does the salt produce a sort of anti-ghost cylinder that extends all the way up to the stratosphere? -- Ruminating About Revenants in Richmond

52:30 - Housekeeping

55:30 - FY - From Yahoo! Answers user tamm, who asks:

How did your dad find his way into your life? And how did you know?



References & Links
