"Eeyore Eeyore Eeyore" was originally released on March 21, 2022.
This week we are standing in our truth, cursing in front of each other like the adults we are. But also for real, please don’t tell Timothy’s parents, because they’re fuckin’ narcs, and we don’t wanna get in trouble.
Suggested Talking Points
Hot Riddle Head, Murderer (Clown Themed), Big Monty, Please get off the calculator, The Normal Woods, Tomorrow’s Sinkhole
The National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: https://www.napawf.org/about\ Harmony House: https://harmonyhousewv.com/
1:09 - Intro - Batman Watch 2022, Movie tickets for dads, Joaquin Phoenix is allergic to Batman
19:18 - Email - Every morning I sit inside my friend’s car with her and another friend before school. The other day when we were getting out of her car to start heading to class, she said ‘Autobots roll out!’ under her breath. When she saw that we noticed, she said that she hadn’t meant for us to hear her and she became embarrassed, mistaking our genuine joy at her statement for laughter at her expense. Even though we’ve tried to explain that we legitimately liked it, she won’t say it again. How can we convince her to say it again? Or even say it every day? Or is it better to just leave it and not bother her about it? Have we already ruined it by drawing attention to it? I would love to start every morning with my friend saying ‘Autobots, roll out’, but I don’t want to press the issue if it’ll just annoy her. How can I get her to continue saying it without accidentally putting her in an uncomfortable position? -- Anonymous Autobot in Orlando, Florida. [Note 1]
26:26 - Wizard of the Cloud - How to Use Bad Language Without Getting in Trouble -- Ben Kantt.
38:46 - MZ - If you want to eat Justin's ass check Doordash, Brooklinen indoctrination, ad for Oh No! Ross & Carrie, ad for Shmanners
43:37 - Email - I’m a senior guy at a small liberal arts college in Maine. At the beginning of every semester, the Outdoors Club leads incoming first years on trips into the Maine woods. I led one of those trips last August. However, after coming back and doing my laundry, I realized that one of my co-leader’s sports bras had accidentally gotten mixed up with my stuff. Clothes sometimes get misplaced among tent groups on trips, I bet. I let her know this had happened and she said she’d come and pick it up. That was seven months ago. It has not been picked up. What do I do? Do I say nothing? Do I remind her to pick it up? If so, how? Have I passed the window in which this could have been done painlessly? I desperately don’t want to be creepy, but I feel like any route I decide to travel now will be perceived as such. -- Bra-boozled in Brunswick, Maine.
56:19 - Housekeeping
59:30 - Closing Impressions - This week Griffin has brought us a Chris Christie impression.
- “If you murder a lot of people and ask some riddles here and there, they should call you The Murderer.”
- — Griffin
- “I'm a married man. But I can appreciate a mascot's... you know...”
- — Griffin, on the GEICO gecko
- “My pert, prominent, cocky butt waggled to and fro, signaling all that I was ready to rut.”
- — Travis
- ↑ The title goof appears at the end of this section.
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