"Face 2 Face: Leave the Cannoli, Take the Gun" was originally released on August 8, 2022.
This week's episode is our 20-Rendezvous live show from Portland, OR[Note 1] We’re pros at giving advice but sometimes we have to defer to a higher legal power: Judge Judy.
Suggested Talking Points
Suited and Zooted, Dr Dr give me the Phil, The Doll is Right, Meat Sweat Defense, Slim Badbody, The Shrek-Godfather Tontine, 4-H After Hours
Center for Reproductive Rights: https://reproductiverights.org/
0:00 - Clint disclaimer & Montaigne rocks out
1:20 - Intro - Darkmind Xavier Shadowraven, Clint is not paid for his services, Chock full of resin
7:19 - Email - Today, I saw my pup’s breeder on an episode of Judge Judy. I knew that the breeder was having issues with another breeder around dog ownership, but I didn’t know the details. How can I casually bring up that I saw the episode and would love to know more? I grew up watching Judge Judy with my mom and would love to get some details about the judge[ment]? It seems a little insensitive to ask. The episode was from last year, and the ruling was a little bit of a mixed result. -- Pondering Pup Owner in Portland.
12:35 - Email - I’ve recently started tucking in my shirt. I’m in my 30s, so I guess it was just time. However, I work in construction. And all the bending down and moving around pulls my shirt out of my pants constantly. In order to re-tuck my shirt, I have to loosen my belt and stick my hands down my pants. Which is a weird look when people catch me with my pants undone, while I’m working on their kitchen counter tops or whatever. Is there anything I can say to people when I’m elbow deep in my Carhartts to justify or gloss over the situation? Just saying, ‘I’m tucking in my shirt’ feels a little "he doth protest too much." -- Tucking Troubles in T-Portland (Alliteration is not my strong suit).
18:33 - Email - When is a good time to tell this girl I’ve been talking to that I’ve released an a cappella album? Don’t get me wrong. A cappella is pretty cool. Thus, the album. But telling someone about it? Nah, nah, nah. That’s more abrasive than saying you’re a Soundcloud rapping career [sic]. When, if at all, should I tell her? -- Connor.
24:08 - Haunted Doll Watch - ...from Travis!
Travis puts his own spin on Haunted Doll Watch with The Doll is Right, a shameless Price is Right ripoff, right down to the theme music.
- Pt. I: Spirit of Sky: giggles, laughter, loving. (Starting bid: 99 cents.)
- Pt. II: Haunted demonic doll, Active! Found while digging. Paranormal, scary, creepy! (Price: $217.)
- Pt. III: Todd. “Todd is a beautiful artist-made doll. He is 19 inches long and does great with an SLS camera in outings on paranormal investigations. He is one of a kind. (Buy It Now Price: $295.)
- Pt. IV: Haunted, paranormal, handmade, 4½ inch thread doll, ill intent! "We purchased this aggressive man at online auction from Wyoming." (Price: $13.)
- Pt. V: Haunted Raggedy Andy doll. Active, paranormal, demonic, voodoo, ritual spirit. (Starting Bid: $200. Buy It Now Price: $1000. Griffin guessed both pretty much exactly.)
35:40 - MZ - Avoid Major Payne with Stamps.com, Prove your ankles aren't vampires with Bombas, ad for Depresh Mode, ad for Dr. Gameshow
41:02 - Munch Squad - Arby's collaborates with Old Spice to bring you the Meat Sweats Defense Kit.
Audience Questions[]
52:36 - I teach an online academy for hackers, and I don’t know what the appropriate dress attire is. -- Nathan.
56:45 - So, it is my partner’s sense of pride that he has never watched the movie Shrek. And it is my point of pride that I have never watched the movie The Godfather. -- Zaza. (Griffin: "So, you’re saying you wanna do like a movie swap. Except you don’t have to watch The Godfather in the exchange.")[Note 2]
1:02:18 - I volunteer at a 4-H County Fair every year. I’m the rabbit superintendent. And this year, I got to attend as the rabbit judge. The problem is that today was the breed class and I had to judge all these rabbits. So, I had to pose them all. And you have to go through every animal in the barn. And there was a problem that arose. Because when you’re handling all of the female rabbits, and all of the male rabbits, the male rabbits smell the female rabbit... And they start sort of just going to town on your hands, arms, body, [sometimes to completion,] multiple times throughout the show. So, how do I stop the rabbits from jizzing on me? -- Kate.
1:07:42 - So, I went out and drank with some of my friends and ended up at [local bar] The Space Room. End of the night comes around, last call happens. My friend, Charlie, decides to whip his pants down in the middle of the bar. And I end up getting super fucking in trouble. This is not the first time he’s done this either. This happens in a lot of bars. -- Owen. (tl;dr: Owen got banned but Charlie didn't, and Owen wants to get unbanned.)
1:12:30 - Housekeeping
1:13:31 - Celebrity Impressions - A rabbit jizzing.
Justin: And we have emerged here in Portland, like our friends the Chilean miners, who dug their way out of the ground with their own bare hands. Travis: And then they saw their shadows and went back. And it was six more weeks of winter.
- “Suits are not made for hugging. This is why business dads are so distant.”
- — Travis
- “Not everyone has a connection to this spirit world, and that is okay. What salsa is hot for some, may be mild for others.”
- — someone on eBay wanting one thousand dollars for a haunted doll
- “🎵 The show doesn’t end until you make a rabbit jizz. Come on, Griffin!”
- — Justin
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